We are in the throes of readjusting to life on Corregidor. Despite the fact that it is rainy season, the first few days have been rain-free. There have been medium to heavy showers with lots of thunder and lightning most nights. Although the temperatures are only hitting the mid-to-high 80’s, the humidity must be a constant 100%. Since the weather was mostly cool during our stay in the States, we are having to re-acclimate. Marcia was so tired from the long days of travel that on the first day back here she skipped dinner, went to bed at 4:00 PM, and slept until 5:30 the next morning.
We were disappointed to find that, despite nine weeks to fix the solar system, it is still not functioning. Apparently the problem was deeper than originally thought, so the engineer responsible for maintenance came without all of the parts that he needed, and has not since returned, apparently waiting for a critical part. So we are back to using flashlights at night, and despite the very high temperatures overnight, we are not able to run our bedroom fan.
The island is very green and lush now, as you might expect after the weeks of heavy rain. We have Roy busy trimming the garden pathways which were totally clear when we left, and the hibiscus hedge needs work as well. The areas in the yard which were bare soil have filled in with grass and other ground cover, and the plants that have been started are looking well established in an amazingly short time.
You may remember our story about a
No one likes to be asked for money and we certainly don’t like to ask. However, since many new readers have been added recently, we are going to once again give our readers the opportunity, if they so choose, to help both the Island of Corregidor and four young, hard-working men. With the generous contributions from some of our long-time readers, “Benn
Benny and the Bolos were able to clear the scrub brush around Battery Crockett so that you can now see that it is in fact on a point of land and had a strategic location. Also, they were able to begin clearing around the houses used by General MacArthur and President Quezon on Tailside. Funds are almost used up, and there is still work to do. The cost of employing all four workers for a day is only about $25, so you can see how even a small donation can go a long way. If you would like to contribute, here is the information you need. Designate your check as being for “Corregidor Special Projects.”
Donations to the Filipino-American Memorial Endowment (FAME) are tax deductible in the United States. Checks should be made out to FAME, Inc. and mailed to:
FAME, Inc.
c/o Alex H. Keller
535 Rolling Rock Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45255-3919
In the Philippines mail your check to:
FAME, Inc.
c/o the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.
2/F, Corinthian Plaza Building
Paseo de Roxas, Makati City
Philippines 1229
We thank you for anything you can do.
Steve and Marcia on the Rock – comment at www.steveandmarciaontherock.blogspot.com
P.S. We have mentioned our niece, Angie Keseley, and the fact that she was a member of the Wisconsin Women’s Hockey Team the past four years, and that Angie contributed to their winning three national championships, with a second place her junior year. We also mentioned that we got to see her try out last week for the United Stated Olympic Team. We have just received word that she, along with seven other ladies with U of Wisconsin ties, will be representing the United States in Vancouver next February. Big “Way to Go” to Angie. Angie’s mother Paula, who is Steve’s sister, visited Corregidor with him in May, 2002. You can read our original comments about Angie at:
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